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Veškeré příkazy piště volně do chatu:
skillersrr - restart mapy
skillersknife - knife
skillerslive - live
thetime - ukáže současný čas
Příkazy měnící mapu:
skillerscbble skillerstuscan
skillerscontra (a brzy i další)
Nekupuj si drahý server kam bude chodit málo lidí, a bude problém s nastavením. Hrajte CW/TG zápasy přímo tady! A ZADARMO!
anything new or different. Maybe I was too busy elbowing my ways through the throng of rabid shoppers to notice new ipad cases new ipad cases . . Then again iphone 3g cases iphone 3g cases , maybe it just isn't noticeable because consumers have learned to "tune out" most of the stuff being thrown at them to avoid constant bombardment. Do consumers ignore displays the way they ignore a TV or radio on in the background at home If so, iphone 5 cases iphone 5 cases . how much are they really ignoring and how much is seeping through So I'll ask again: What good do digital displays do if no one bats an eye And, how do you really measure the effectiveness of atretail media Most importantly, how do you get consumers to start paying attention Come on! The Diva wants to know! Okay, Hollister Co., I get it. You're trying to create a vibe, an atmosphere, a brand for yourself. You're trying to appeal to your 13 to 25yearold target market of hip, preppy headphone splitter headphone splitter , suburbanite teens. Don't worry, I get that, it's cool designer ipad 2 cases designer ipad 2 cases [img][/img] is not a valid Image. . . What I don't get is the music. (And bad music at that.) I would shop at Hollister twice as often if it didn't require mental preparation just to enter the store. If I'm tired or rushed, I'll forgo a visit to one of my favorite stores because it's just not worth the frustration or irritation. Every time I venture into Hollister, the music is so loud that I almost have a seizure. The sheer volume makes even Damien Rice or Jack Johnson seem hardcore dr dre headphones dr dre headphones . . On my last visit, after unsuccessfully riffling through mountains of jeans, I reluctantly gathered my energy for the ensuing exchange (a.k headphones for running headphones for running .a screaming match) that would have to take place between me and the associate: asking her if she had my size “in the back."(Which they always do, unlike other places where this request only evokes eye rolls and a condescending response.) The associate abandoned her neverending folding duties to go check and emerged with a pair of jeans in a size so small that I'd probably only be able to pull them up to my knees, max. She must have noticed my horrified look because she apologized and snatched the